Unlock the Power of Impactful Communication for Your Business

Apr 30, 2023

You may have heard of impactful communication. This is communication that fosters successful and productive outcomes. 

Most people retain a fraction of what is said to them. But with real, impactful communication, you're more likely to affect those you speak with.

Why do we need impactful communication?

People are already successful in business and life. Commercial success is everywhere. Getting your message out there is doable. And change happens, albeit in terms of climate change, slowly. But what if we could ramp up that speed of change? What if we could speed up the "speed of trust"? 

We, as a species, are becoming more sophisticated. We want more. And we want it faster. We are moving away from a knowledge or cognitive dimension into a time characterised by wisdom and intuition aided by technology at our fingertips. Thus, we are more creative and have a deeper appreciation and understanding of our world, our impact on the planet and how we can fundamentally change this for the betterment of all. 

And it's because of that that we must strengthen how we share our messages, how we connect with others. We must alter the means through which we get ideas out there. We need to amplify our communication; the path to achieving success has to change. The way we communicate the need for change has to change.

So, what is impactful communication?

Impactful communication is true communication. It is the art of making everybody in the audience (1-2-1, team meeting, board meeting, conference) feel like they individually are the only person you are talking to; you make them experience a connection with you that is unique to them. You make them emote. 

Over the past 24 years of supporting global leaders, I've realised that we, as human beings, communicate with impact when we have intuitively connected with our presence in each moment.

What is presence?

The universe, the planet, and we are energy; this energy is transformational. This energy surrounds us, binds us, drives us and connects us. It is a vast expansiveness of potential. It is in-the-moment power and influence. And yet we spend most of our lives valuing surface-level interactivity. We communicate by numbers. 

I define presence as our intuitive nature. The essence of me, of you. The energy that is within us, in each moment. Presence is our ability to connect with this energy (usually manifesting in our thoughts, feelings and actions) and use this energy to connect with another.

So how do we master the art of connecting through presence?

Communicating through presence requires you to go to places you may have never been before, at least initially. Developing true presence (to facilitate lasting change) requires you to open yourself up to an understanding and appreciation, an exploration of yourself that you may find uncomfortable at times or unnerving, or maybe even unknown.

At the heart of the process is the peeling away layers of "the self" - these layers we have created. They have served you to date. But underneath the layers is this power source, this energy. It is freedom from the constraints of how I am, who I am and what I am. It is being alive to the unknown.

Within this limitless space is the power that fuels the words we choose when we stand up in front of an audience. Within this presence is the energy we use to connect with people in meetings. It ignites the way we ask questions. It drives how we show up in every circumstance. It fuels the very layers that we peel away. It creates impactful communication. 

We then add the storytelling capability and the technical skills associated with bringing an audience along with you.

Why wouldn't we explore what public speaking and storytelling are? And do it? 

As humans, we are evolving. We crave more, and we want it quickly. We want to have a positive impact on the world. We want to leave the planet in a better state (for our children) than when we inherited it. And our knowledge and cognitive abilities are no longer enough; instead, we are transitioning to a time of wisdom and intuition enabled by technology. 

The limitations of the past no longer bind us; instead, we can use the tools within us to reach our fullest potential. With the power of presence, we can make the impossible possible by tapping into our creativity and developing a deeper understanding of ourselves and the environment, making a real difference in how we interact with each other and the planet.

The conversations we have: the connections we make become deeper, truly emotive and galvanising.

You not only lead the horse to water, but you also make it want to drink.