Echoing the Now: How Awareness Amplifies Your Public Speaking

Sep 05, 2023

Eckhart Tolle profoundly expressed, "Whatever the present moment contains, embrace it as though you consciously selected it. Engage harmoniously with it, rather than in opposition. Foster a rapport with it, rather than treating it as your enemy. This approach will remarkably transform your entire existence."

My take on this sentiment underscores that acceptance brings clarity to our lived experiences. However, this stream of acceptance flows seamlessly only with an astute presence of mind.

This insight is profoundly resonant in the realm of public speaking...

In my two-decade-long journey assisting numerous senior leaders, the hallmark of a distinguished speaker is their nuanced understanding of the essence of moment-to-moment awareness and their wholehearted acceptance of the present.

We cannot truly grasp the essence of acceptance if we are perpetually in a state of dissatisfaction with our fleeting emotions and feelings. Continual self-doubt—wondering if my choice of words is precise, pondering the efficacy of my narrative technique, or incessantly seeking validation from the audience—effectively positions us at odds with our own essence.

True acceptance starts with an inward journey...

A journey anchored in a non-judgmental acknowledgment of the resistances we've accumulated. Our resistance often manifest as ingrained conditioning and belief systems. Complete acceptance is driven by the ability to see, pay attention. Through focused attention, the genuine liberation of letting go emerges.

The root of our distorted perception of reality is an underlying insecurity in our thought processes. This insecurity impedes our potential to be captivating speakers. An unwillingness to embrace the reality of the moment inundates our mind while speaking, leading us down the labyrinth of self-doubt and distraction.

It’s akin to a novice tennis player being overly analytical with each stroke, thereby missing the innate beauty and joy of the game. The pleasure of the present moment. Life, in its immediate reality.

We often become ensnared in a quest for self-comprehension

How to excel in public speaking, how to present our authentic selves. This entrenched pursuit, while profound, often remains enigmatic.

My mission has always been to guide leaders in relinquishing these deep-seated attachments. Unwavering acceptance creates a chasm between us and the internal monologues that often dictate our approach to public speaking.

How do we achieve this?

The answer lies in introspection. A vigilant self-awareness of our tendencies towards resistance, avoidance, and overindulgence in entrenched habits brings to light the realisation that distractions arise primarily from our inability to accept ourselves unconditionally.